Where are the Race Police when you need ’em?

If someone on Fox News had said this, heads would have rolled and and everyone in the Democramedia would have herniated.

The interviewer from the Q&A in New York with Recode on Friday mumbled her way through some questions:
What do you think of Corey Booker […] what do you think about him saying ‘kick them in the shins’ essentially, start to get to that political…
Hillary: Well that was Eric Holder.
Interviewer: Oh, Eric Holder, I’m sorry.

Hillary (grinning): I know they all look alike.

Polar Vortex and Red Tide

Soon after the Republican Congress approved licensing for the Polar Vortex, Donald Trump bought controlling interest in the Polar Vortex and leased it to the Russians. We can blame our severe winter weather directly on President Donald J. Trump.

Now we learn that Governor Rick Scott owns the rights to algae bloom, and he’s the one who developed Red Tide. He has successfully spread Red Tide on beaches worldwide. He also developed a biological antidote for the toxin, and if he wins his Senate race, he plans to donate the antidote to the Environmental Protection Agency. If he loses the election he will most likely offer the antidote to the highest bidder.
It won’t come as a surprise if it’s discovered that earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and hurricanes are also caused by evil Republicans.

Help Wanted 

Now hiring sexual assault accusers. Must be able to lie with a straight face and able to feign painful memories and suffering. Some acting experience would be a plus. You will be coached by several Senators and Representatives who are expert liars. We have a team of shysters who will assist with story details, story composition, and script editing. Must be a resident of a state where a Republican candidate is leading in the polls. Only registered Democrats, Socialists, or Marxists need apply. Appear in person at your local Democrat Party headquarters. 
G. David Howard, Fake News Network

Racism is Racism is Racism

To vote AGAINST a candidate because of the color of the candidate’s skin is racist.  Conversely, it is also racist to vote FOR a candidate because of the color of the candidate’s skin.  Ten years ago, because of millions of racist and white guilt votes, the country elected a community organizer to run this country.  A phantom; a man with no past, no experience, and no accomplishments was chosen because of the color of his skin, and it was a terrible mistake, in my opinion.  He divided the country; weakened the military, apologized to the world for America’s sins, bowed to foreign leaders, put his foot on the throat of American business through over regulation, turned a segment of the country against law enforcement, and was, in my opinion, the worst POTUS in history.  Fooled ‘em once.


Because of racism and white guilt, Florida voters are on the verge of being fooled into making that same racist decision.  They may vote FOR a man because of the color of his skin; a Socialist who has announced huge tax increases and a Socialist agenda that will absolutely choke the life out of the state of Florida.


Fool me once……fool me twice……You know how it goes.





Are the Democrats Certifiably Insane?

One of the accepted definitions of insanity, i.e., “Trying the same thing over and over again expecting a different result” has long been attributed to Albert Einstein, however there is no evidence he ever said that. Nonetheless, it is an example of using pure logic to assess a person’s ability to reason.

When applying that definition to the Democrat Party’s move to Socialism, which has failed disastrously over and over again, most recently in Venezuela, a rational thinker would conclude that the Democrats are, in fact, insane. That begs the question; should insane people be allowed to vote in our elections?

They’re actually thinking, “We know what doesn’t work, so let’s do that.”


Senator Soaring Cheekbones claims to have a DNA test.

Elizabeth Warren is on the warpath once again. Senator Soaring Cheekbones is going after President Trump for calling her Pocahontas because she now has DNA evidence that she is 1/1000th Native American. Wahoo! Heyya, heyya, heyya!

She will chair a key committee of medicine men from every tribe at a Powwow in Squaw Valley, where they will discuss impeaching the President for ‘speaking with forked-tongue’. Soaring Cheekbones is proposing a Forked Tongue Law, which would make ‘speaking with forked tongue’ an impeachable offense.

The guest speaker will be U.S. Congresswoman, ‘Murky Waters’, who is an honorary member of the tribe. Other honorary members of Soaring Cheekbones’ tribe; Shaman Schumer, and the winner of the Lying Stiff award, Sidewinder Blumenthal, are also expected to attend the big Powwow.

Soaring Cheekbones is expecting a large turnout because the Medicine Men have been told they are welcome to bring their Squaws and Papooses. Soaring Cheekbones advised all attendees they may need a reservation.

Ocasio-Cortez on Foreign Affairs – (Leaked to an unnamed friend by an anonymous source)

Reporter: Many voters believe President Trump is handling foreign affairs very skillfully. How do you think he is doing on foreign affairs?

Ocasio-Cortez: His wife must be okay with it. I know other couples who say they have an understanding. Hello! I mean you don’t have to be a torpedo scientist; I mean she wears a jacket that says ‘I Really Don’t Care’. Duh!

From Lugnuts to Hexnuts (Satire)

The Dem/Socialist Witches, at the direction of High Priestess Feinstein, Lucifer Blumenthal, and Warlock Schumer, will hold a Coven in New York next week. They plan to, ceremoniously, put a Hex on Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh.

This Coven is just another example of desperation and extreme Trump Derangement Syndrome.  I never put much stock in Witchcraft until Hillary won her party’s Presidential Nomination.  I’ve never believed in symbols of ‘good luck’, ‘bad luck’, or ‘curses’.  This Coven is silly and will have no effect on Justice Kavanaugh.  Fingers crossed.



First Church of Blind Faith and Climate Change Ten Commandments

1.  I am Algore and thou shall have no other climate gods before Me.

 2.  Thou shall not have idols other than me and Leonardo DiCaprio.

 3.  Thou shall not take the name of Algore in vain.

 4.  Thou shall not buy fossil fuel on the Sabbath.

 5.  Honor thy father and thy mother and keep their basement clean, so long as ye shall reside there.

 6.  Thou shall not murder anyone other than a denier or a Trump supporter.

 7.  Thou shall not read any reports about climate change other than mine.

 8.  Thou shall not befriend a denier, for he is thine enemy and will lead thee into the valley of border walls and pipelines.

 9.  Thou shall not bear false witness against rising oceans.

 10. Thou shall help the fallen, but if it be a Republican ye shall kick him with all thine might.

 Our Golden Rule – “Do unto others”

The Saga of Perverted Punctuation Marks and Other Niggling

When unable to refute the message, discredit the messenger.

My post yesterday was an ‘indirect quotation’, which reports what someone said but not in their exact words. I expressed what Hillary said using different words for the sake of clarity and brevity, without distorting her message. The message in my post was exactly the same message as Hillary’s, but I inadvertently used those sacred Quotation Marks, which, according to the Punctuation Police, has cost me all my credibility. Four inverted commas made the message insignificant. Far more important than incivility were those bastardized quotation marks from hell. I’m shopping for a keyboard sans a quote marks key, so I can’t possibly make that mistake again.

Side Note – According to Algonquin College: In reporting “silent speech”—noting that language is “said,” but internally and not spoken out loud—writers are on their own. Writers can put quotation marks around it or not. http://plato.algonquincollege.com/applications/guideToGrammar

A professor from Algonquin College, Professor Pettystuff, has agreed to take my case if I get charged with improper use of Quotation Marks. What type of sentence could they give me? (That was an interrogative sentence wasn’t it?) Uh oh, I just used a double interrogative. That may be illegal.

Here is what Hillary Clinton actually said, “That’s why I believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”

She acknowledged there is incivility now, and it will continue until they win back the House and/or the Senate. In other words, she was saying: We will continue to be uncivilized as long as the Republicans are in power.
Here is what I posted: Hillary said, “We will continue to be uncivilized as long as the Republicans are in power.” She made that message quite clear in her statement; I just re-phrased it for clarity and brevity.

If only I had not used those sacrosanct quotation marks.