BHO’s Third Term

Is a Third Term U. S. Presidency Possible?

BHO’s ‘Third Term’ was thwarted by Trump’s unexpected victory in 2016, but that was only a hiccup in his quest to “fundamentally transform the United States of America” into a Marxist country.  For 2021 he only needed a mindless puppet in the Oval Office, and in the event the puppet were to become inoperable and unable to continue the charade, he would need a backup plan; an empty headed fool in position to replace the empty suit in the White House.  Enter VP Minnehaha, or Miss Giggles, as her sycophants call her.

During his first two terms, BHO divided the country by pitting Americans against each other, right out of Saul Alinsky’s playbook; blacks against whites, the poor versus the non-poor, thug rights, criminals against cops, employees against employers, tribal rights trumping individual rights, Academia v. America, all white people are racists, etc.  (By the way, calling all white people racists is a direct contradiction of how he got elected twice.)  He is continuing on the same path in his ‘Third Term’ in office.

The Pandemic was Manna for the Dems because they needed a crisis in order to defeat Trump.  They and their cast of media comrades, along with a fraudulent, incompetent, Trump hating, Communist loving Doctor to spread doom and gloom, took full advantage of the ‘opportunity’, according to Rep. Cliburn, that COVID 19 laid in their lap.

With the Pandemic in their rear-view mirror, the Dems needed another crisis.  They were between crises, so they invented ‘Systemic Racism’, which they claimed caused racial inequality.  After some push back, they were forced to acknowledge that all Americans do indeed have equal opportunity, so inequality had to be changed to inequity, ergo, demand for reparations and more; hence, another crisis in the making. 

Less than six months into his ‘Third Term’, BHO is systematically dismantling our country and isn’t nearly finished.  By allowing, actually encouraging, unfettered access through our southern border he has dissolved America’s autonomy and is creating millions of new Democrat voters.  The illegal immigrants will get a Social Security card and a photo ID Driver License, which is all they will need to cast a ballot.

The outcome of the midterm elections November 8, 2022 will determine the future of our country.  If Republicans manage to take control of the House and the Senate, they may be able to mount a defense against the Marxist insurrection (transformation), being conducted by BHO, and hold them off until the 2024 Presidential Election.

Side Note. The elections, from this day forward, should be done the old-fashioned way; hand-counted paper ballots, sans computers.  We need to eliminate digital voting and wide spread, unlimited mail-in voting, which overwhelms the system and is rife with cheating.  We must take cheaters, thugs, and computer hacks out of the equation, as much as possible.

The bottom line, in my opinion: it’s all about BHO, not Three Degrees Joe.  Joe wouldn’t know what day it is without flash cards or a teleprompter.  He told Putin what’s what and that’s that!  He thinks he talked to Putin, but he’s not sure what he said, exactly.  He probably said something like, “Here’s the deal, man.  And I mean that.  You need to….uh…., you know what I’m sayin’.  C’mon man, you know, fossil fuel and grass mowing, same thing.  They go hand in hand.  It’s like when a chicken lays an egg.  You know.  You get my drift.  And you can take that to the bank.  My word is my bonnet.”


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Stupid People United Against Smart People

Stupid People Embrace Socialism/Marxism  – Smart People Embrace Capitalism

A host of stupid people have formed a support group for the Socialists (Marxists), called SPUASP (Stupid People United Against Smart People).  Research teams estimate there may be as many as 85M dumbasses in the country.  AOC is fearful that if SPUASP gets as many as 10M Registered Dumbasses, they will pull votes from the Socialist/Marxist Party because most of the Socialists (Marxists) are Registered Dumbasses. 

Bernie Sanders is meeting with Hyphen Cortez in an effort to amalgamate SPUASP, Dumbasses of America, and the Socialists to avoid creating a third party, which would split the Stupid vote and the Dumbass vote. 

A new party of stupid people would weaken the Socialists (Marxists).   Of the estimated 85M stupid people in the U. S., nearly all of them vote Democrat.   If a substantial percentage of them register with a competing party of stupid people, it will hurt the Socialists. because they’re counting on strong support from stupid people like Pelosi, Behar, Don Lemon, Michael Moore, and former comedians Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel.  Their slogan is “Dumbasses Unite! Make America Stupid!”

The Socialists (Marxists) are looking at possible presidential candidates for the 2024 election.   They’re not talking to the Pantsuit Queen, but they’ve had conversations with ‘Crumbs’ Pelosi, M. Peach Waters, Raphael Madcow, Spartacus Booker, Wahoo Warren, Screamin’ Howard Dean, Pouting John Kasich, and Al ‘The Enunciator’ Sharpton.  The Enunciator believes he has the support of the majority of  stupid people.  Of course it will depend on who George Soros picks.

Why gasoline prices are rapidly increasing

Biden voters only get 3º of hate per gallon.  In honor of the Trump-hating Biden voters, Democrats decided each gallon of gas must contain 8% Venomol and 2% Spite.  Democrats will soon add a surtax to fund research for a TDS cure.

Most of the people who voted for Biden meant well, but hate ruled the day.  Bless their hearts, the poor things just didn’t know any better.

G Spot Satire


Book Sales:

Open Letter to Bill Gates

Dear Bill,

You say you want to dim the sun? Say it ain’t so, Bill. Don’t mess with nature. I know you’re a smart man, but this old rock has endured ice ages (long before fossil fuel emissions), hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, raging forest fires, floods, lightning strikes, meteor showers, plane crashes, the polar vortex, torpedoes, and atomic bomb blasts, without your help.

The 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo, in the Philippines, released thirty million tons of sulfur dioxide gas, resulting in the ozone hole expanding to an unprecedented size. The eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland spewed nine hundred million kilograms of CO2 in six days. I think that might be more CO2 than millions of gasoline-burning cars would emit in a month of Sundays. My calculation could be wrong, but I think it’s close. Nonetheless, the ozone cured itself and the planet has survived powerful destructive forces without any help from you, or any of your genius friends. Apparently, you believe humans can do a better job than nature; ergo, dim the sun, and filter cow farts.

Well, if that works, I’d like for you to turn off the polar vortex, and lower the water temperature off the coast of Africa where all the hurricanes are spawned. And while you’re at it, figure out a way for us to have rain on-demand and fast melting snow. Oops, if you turn off the sun, snow won’t melt and crops can’t grow. What about those of us who have installed solar panels? Will we get a refund? Don’t forget, the People’s Republic of California gets 17% of its electricity from solar power plants. Do you have a plan to increase the wind velocity so wind turbines can take up the slack when you dim the sun? If so, are you ready for the backlash you will get from the Audubon Society?

Bless your heart, I know you mean well, and are, no doubt, ready to do something about gravity and friction, but don’t give up your day job.

Good luck and all my best,

G. David Howard

The “woke” have lost their collective mind

Pelosi announced new rules for the incoming House of Representatives, requiring pronouns and familial relationships to be gender-neutral.  If the two Communists would happen to win the Georgia runoff races, it will only be a matter of time before these rules will be imposed on all of us.

So far, 3º hasn’t opined on the subject, but this is sure to cause friction between those who need the toilet seat up and those who need the toilet seat down; ergo, the TSU people and the TSD people.   Of the 435 members of the House, there are 121 TSDs and 314 TSUs.   It could get very confusing if the Speaker asks for an “up or down” vote. 

G Spot Satire


Book Sales:

Blind by choice

They can’t see Marxism because they’re blinded by Socialism.

No matter how you cut the pie, the differences between Progressivism, Socialism, Marxism, and Communism (PSMC) are slight and subtle.  They differ by varying degrees of their inherent evilness.  Marxism is the source of the ideological seeds which sprout the other three, regardless of how nuanced their implementations may be.  It’s a consanguineous marriage.   (And all this time you thought incest was illegal.)  These labels, in my opinion, are interchangeable in casual conversation.  Is there much difference between a copperhead, a rattlesnake, a coral snake, and a cobra?  Not really, each one can cause pain and suffering, and even death. Karl Marx described socialism as a transitional stage between capitalism and communism. 

Vladimir Lenin wrote, “Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state; control health care and you will control the people.”  DEMOCRAT Kamala Harris, DEMOCRAT  Socialist Loony Bernie, and a host of other DEMOCRATS want universal healthcare (Socialized medicine).  Lenin also said, “The goal of socialism is communism.” Marxism is the basis for the theory and practice of communism.  You can’t have one without the other.

Under Socialism, the workers, or the “community”, own the means of production.  Under Communism, the Government owns the means of production, but it doesn’t matter who OWNS the means of production, what matters is who CONTROLS the means of production; hence licensing, regulations, taxation, etc.  You get the idea.  The 2020 DEMOCRAT Party Platform gives absolute suffocating control of business operations, employee relations, and company policies to the Federal Government.  DEMOCRATS are for elimination of right to work laws and charter schools, and they deem “housing” is a right, not a privilege.  Read it.  I did.  Only the “chosen” will have a chance to survive.

DEMOCRAT Three Degrees Joe has called for “an end to the era of shareholder capitalism.”  DEMOCRAT de Blasio is calling for, in his own words, “the redistribution of wealth”.  DEMOCRAT Socialist  -Cortez (I just use her last name, -Cortez) is demanding guaranteed income and housing for all.  DEMOCRAT Obama called for the “fundamental transformation of America”.  Unendingly, DEMOCRATS espouse Socialism.  It’s one Socialist policy after another.  Many on the left embrace the doctrine but deny the label.  The blind that refuse to acknowledge they voted for Socialism should be ignored.  Trying to convince them about the hi-jacking of their party is like trying to save bats by showing them pictures of owls and hawks.

It’s us against the DEMOCRATS and their evil cousins.

G Spot Satire


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Buffoon Patrol

Hey, Three Degrees Joe, it’s “one trick pony”, not “one horse pony”.   In the future, try to follow this simple rule:  When there is no teleprompter or ear bud, don’t say anything.  Can you do that?  Atta boy, now go have a cup of Oolong and take your noon Xiǎoqì (nap), Barack or Xi will let you know what to do next.
G Spot Satire


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